Hi! This is me, Thaís !!!!

Hi! My name is Thaís, I am from Brazil, where we only speak Portuguese as our official language, so I will write here in Portuguese almost all the time.

I live in Brasília, the capital of my country, and I work as a Teacher, a Translator and a Lawyer.
In fact, I was born in Goiânia, a city near Brasília, which I left with 5 year-old! Since then I have been living in Brasília...

I really enjoy meeting different people, and learning about different cultures. I will try to share my experiences with foreign people and cultures here in English, so it will be easier for you to make comments about what I wrote here: if you agree or not.

Unfortunately, the other comments will be in Portuguese. As you know, I am a non-native speaker of English, and I do not feel comfortable writing in English all the time.

Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope to hear from you here, too.

Be welcome!


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